Mobilier contemporain & Artwork en Gascogne

enduits chaux stuccos et métallisation

Decorative coatings

The most beautiful Gascony homes only await our brushes, our concrete finishing trowels, metal powders, and wax specks to take on another light and another dimension. Forget about water painting (or worse, acrylic paint …) and opt for precious and sustainable materials for your walls: stucco, travertine, tadelakt, lime wash/distemper, metal powders (decorative metal coating, also known as metallizing – EXCLUSIVE OFFER IN GASCONY!!). Our EXCLUSIVE partner, Sabine Most – Idéartdéco – whitewash and decorative metal coating expert, has a perfect command of pigments, binders and matters for an infinite colour and texture rendition!!


For your decoration and interior renovation needs, we offer the combined expertise of ©Brut Design and Idéartdéco. Tell us about your project, we will offer solutions to make it happen and advise you on the materials and finishing touches we know inside out. Would you like to change your wallpapers, remove your mural carpets, cover the corridor’s wall plaster, renovate the children’s room, the guest room or change the living-room’s decor? Let us reveal for you the beauty of lime washing, a major technique of Italian style decoration, and its many advantages thanks to the variety of techniques and renditions such as stucco, travertine but also sculpted or smoothed over limewash/distemper, and tadelakt bathrooms …  Enjoy luminous, vibrant  and sustainable walls!

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